Monday, February 9, 2015

Our Jr. & Sr. SPO Panthers need basketball uniforms!! They are practicing hard, playing hard and representing Greenbrier with excellence! We would love for them to be just as proud stepping onto the court! Please help us support these awesome athletes. This will allow us to order 20 uniforms: Mens & Ladies with shipping and taxes included! Once ordered, it will only take 3-4 days to receive! Any extra $ raised will go to hotel stay for STATE basketball in March and to our Greenbrier Special Olympic Fund!! Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Congratulations to the Jr. and Sr. Panthers (These are SPO Athletes 11 and older who play TEAM basketball). Sr. Panthers played 3 games and won 1/3 bring home 3rd place!!! Jr. Panthers won 2/2 bring home 1st place!!! They have been practicing hard and will be ready for our Area tournament on February 28th! Please congratulate these athletes. They represented Greenbrier with exceptional sportsmanship on and off the court! We want to give a HUGE shout out to all the parents who attended! 
AND a BIG thanks to our Student Volunteer Madison Krisell!